Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Voice

I saw, while flipping through the latest issue of Relevant, a new translation of the bible called "The Voice". The pitch stated: "Representing a collaboration among scholars, writers, musicians, and other artists, The Voice is a new and dynamic translation of the Bible that brings the biblical narrative to life."
It caught my attention. So, today, I went to the Christian bookstore and was looking for it, wanting to look it over. But they didn't have it, so the woman working there looked it up on her computer and told me she could order it, if I wanted. And, without knowing anything, really, about it, I asked her to order it. And then I paid for it right then and there. It was the most impulsive thing I've done in months.
So, tonight, I Googled it, because I figured I might as well know a little about the book I just bought. And the first thing I read was, "Meet the New Bible for the Postmodern Culture". Now, reading A New Kind of Christian is fantastic, because it's essentially what I've been thinking for the past several months (all the while thinking I was falling away from my faith) and it's good to know that I'm not the only one. And so I buy this Bible, impulsively, and it turns out to be something that could be fantastic.
It's only the New Testament so far, and I don't know if they plan to do the Old Testament. From what I've read about it, I would love to read Psalms. But Brian McLaren translated Acts and Luke, so that should be interesting.
So, I'm excited for this to come in.
I get it on Tuesday.

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