Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What a Waste of Time: Part Two

I'm not sure some of you understood what I was saying in my last post. To be quite honest, I'm not sure some of you even read it before you decided to throw your two cents in. When I said that college is a waste of time and money and I'm sick of it, that didn't mean "please suggest your own private college now, because I would really love to spend even more time and four times as much money taking the same stupid gen ed classes, but having to put more effort into them."

People don't go to private universities to just take a few classes. They go to get degrees. And, though the idea of paying over $120,000 to get a worthless degree is just oh, so appealing, I'm going to have to stick with my original plan. Thanks, though.


patrickkennedy said...
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patrickkennedy said...

I know of this really cool college that costs a lot of money...I know that you'll love it.

But really, I think it's a matter of perspective too. I too am really bored of college, yet I've spent the past 7 years engulfed in it. I don't remember who I was talking to, but a similar conversation came to mind while reading your thoughts. College is not necessarily about having a the piece of paper, but rather what it stands for. For some people it is, and that's their thing. Great. Having a degree is more a way to show that you are willing to test yourself outside of your realm of comfort. Your degree represents an investment in yourself and your passion. It tells the world that you can accept a big challenge and be successful. It allows you to grow socially, especially when you encounter others whom you wouldn't normally associate. That was a big one for me. And if that's not a good enough reason, you can get hired for a tide-me-over job supervising people who didn't get a degree while penning your dream to paper.