Saturday, May 06, 2006

Church Work Day

So today was church work day. A bunch of us high schoolers went and helped out. I don't know about everyone else, but I had a blast. I helped out last year(I think...maybe it was the year before...) but I didn't have any friends there with me, so it was kind of boring. But this was way fun. We cleaned out the storage room in the youth house and organized the kitchen so it could be our new "hang out" spot. That should be pretty cool, we're usually in there anyway, but now it's set up so nobody's going to get hot mocha dumped all over them.
I had fun carrying everything on my head. I don't know why I do it...I'm just strange like that, but I was doing it so much that finally Elisabeth started too. I'm such a trend setter.... Ha.
And, after we were done working, I got into a bit of a water fight with James. See, there was a water gun... I thought it would be funny if I got James with it. And so I tried, but then he kinda got to the hose. Needless to say I got soaked, and he was convinced he won. But then I went into the youth house, to put the gun away, and got a cup of water. Well I don't even really drink water, so when I walked out and was standing there "drinking" my water, really I was just waiting. And then James turned around and my water just happened to find it's way down the back of his shirt. Really, I have no idea how it happened...

But it was way fun. Definitely the most fun I've ever had cleaning the church!


Bri said...

Did this happen after I left? Because it would have been really funny to see all of this happen...

Chelsea said...

Haha yeah, it was after you left.