Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Feel A New Season Beginning.

This morning, I woke up in fantastic spirits. I had spent last night working on editing my short story and writing a synopsis for my novel-in-progress, because I'm entering them both in the PNWA literary contest this year. That idea is both daunting and exciting.

I debated for a long time, though, on whether it would be wise to enter them. When all is said and done, I'll be competing against authors twice my age with twice my experience, and after entry fees, I'll be dropping close to one hundred dollars on this contest that might get me nowhere. For someone who is paying her way through college, that's a big deterrent.

But, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that I really should enter the contest. It feels right, and since I've never been one for sensibility, "it feels right" eventually won out over "that's your tuition money".

And so this afternoon, I was driving to class and admiring the positively gorgeous day it has been, and I was thinking about the fact that I'll have enough money for next term. I'll have barely enough, but I'll have enough. And, looking back, that's how it seems to always work out for me. I somehow manage to get by. Somehow, everything always works out, no matter how close it ends up being.

Now, if I were a more anxious person, I don't think that would be okay with me. I think that would cause me some major stress. And I do worry. But it seems like when I let go, and just leave it to God, that's when things work themselves out. So, I figured I'd enter this contest, and just let what happens, happen.

That's essentially the gist of my story, but the following bit is somewhat of a newsflash that I just felt like sharing, because some of you might want to know.

Deborah Reber, who has become a bit of common name in my posts recently, emailed me again today. This time, she asked for a 1-3 page outline of my memoir, and a 1-2 page excerpt. If I understand correctly, she asked me for a book proposal and sample. And I think that might be kind of a big deal.

So, I'm trying to not get too excited, because nothing is in any way final, and right now I don't want to have any expectations at all. But she's shown an interest, and that alone is a major morale booster.

So tonight, after I get home, I'll be working on a book proposal. It kind of goes without saying, but if you could be praying for me, that would be tremendous. I need God to keep me level-headed and focused, because I'm not great at either on my own.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's pretty sweet.
