Thursday, June 30, 2005

Raccoon Raid

So, it's about 11:45 now, and just, oh, 45 minutes ago or so, I went to put my kitten in the garage- that's where my cats sleep -and I opened the door to my garage and just about had a heart attack. I'm holding my cat under my arm, like a football or something, and I open the door and here are these 2 raccoons right on the doorstep, eating ALL of the catfood. When they growled at me I shut the door as fast as I could...duh. Only after hearing a meow of protest did I realize I was holding my kitten so tight I was squishing her. So my dad went out and got the raccoons out of the garage (I can hear the raccoons outside of our house right now) and I went in to put my kitten in the garage. Holy cow!!! I had forgotten how much of a flipping mess these things make, because this isn't the first time this has happened, and of course the garage smells like wet dog or something. Oh, raccoons are just bundles of fun!


mo said...

That would freak me out so bad. I don't know what i would do. I don't think I would able to go back in the garage for awhile. I can't wait till Tuesday. I will get to see you. It has been forever. Talk to you later. And watch out for raccoons.

Bri said...

OMGOSH I know how you feel about the mess at our old house we used to get them all the time!that would like totally scare the crap out of me! What was Tuesday???hmmm....I wanna know!

mo said...

Tuesady would have been megan's party. which everyone left us at bri. nobody else could change there plans to come hang with us and the rest of megan's scary friends. LoL!!! hope everything is going well chelsea. have fun in canada. let me know how it goes. bye bye!!!