Sunday, August 14, 2005

Movie Reviews

Okay, so hopefully this will be a bit better than the last post...

So I was on vacation with my family last week and we saw some pretty good movies. So I'm going to say what I thought of them, and then you all have to tell me what you think of them(if you've seen them...) so I don't feel like an idiot, okay? Awesome...and now I'm talking to here I go...

Monster-in-Law: I thought it was pretty funny. My mom said that Jane Fonda(the mother) reminded her of somebody she knew. Over-all, I thought it was good...I give it 3 stars

Sahara: This movie ROCKED! I loved it!! Definitely going on my list of favorites. 4 stars

Star Wars: Episode III: Well...I liked what I saw, unfortunately, I fell asleep after Skywalker went bad. My dad was the only one who stayed awake through the whole I'm not sure what to rate it...

The Interpreter: Very good. A bit of suspense, but not an "on the edge of your seat" movie. I liked it a lot. 3.5 stars

I also saw previews for some movies that looked really good. They were:
Kingdom of Heaven (we almost watched it)
Kicking and Screaming
Guess Who

And then my sister and my dad saw Stealth while my mom and I were watching Richard III(which was very good) at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. So my dad said Stealth was pretty good, so now I want to see that too.


Bri said...

I wanted to see kingdom of heaven so bad! but i haven't seen it yet! I've seen Sahara! WHICH IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER it's hilarious! hmmm...i wanted to see the interpreter but i haven't seen it yet either!

mo said...

Sounds like you guys had fun. Sahara is an awesome movie. Talk to you later. Bye.

Chelsea said...

brianna, when kingdom of heaven comes out to better make popcorn, cuz we're going to watch it