Saturday, September 16, 2006

I'm Dreaming Of A...

White Christmas!

Only 99 days, 11 hours, and someodd minutes until


And this is going to be a good one. I can just feel it.

I can't wait till


Because my favorite day of the year is


And I am just so very excited for


That I can hardly wait until


And, now stores are already starting to sell Christmas! things. Because even they can't deny how great Christmas! really is! I'll even give them the benefit of the doubt and say they don't care about how much money they make selling Christmas! decorations, and Christmas! presents.

Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!

Can you tell I'm just a little excited for



Bri said...

you have no idea...I've been listening to Christmas music while going to sleep for the last two weeks actually lol weird huh? lol CHRISTMAS IS MY FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR TOO!!! i'm excited yes :D

mo said...

i am excited for christmas too...because it means two weeks of no school but i am excited for thanksgiving too because it is like fall break for me....muhahaha. and my brthday....YAY!!! well love you chels

Anonymous said...

You know the only reason the stores are getting ready for Christmas already is because they're just trying to get money right?

and oddly enough, yesterday they played a Christmas song as the guests were arriving yesterday...that was odd, especially for a wedding(I just realized I forgot to tell you about that part.

Chelsea said...

Hey, I said I was giving them the benefit of the doubt, okay?