Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Is What Christmas Is All About.

I found this blog while researching King George II for history class. This was my favorite picture, but there were others that had me in hysterics, I'm not even gonna lie. And some of them I didn't like so much. It happens. But...this one is good.


Anonymous said...

....and just how did you come up with something for Christmas while researching something about King George the Second, hmmm?

Me thinks Chelserz was wasting school time...

dhonig said...

My guess is this cartoon- http://hypnocrites.blogspot.com/2005/12/king-george-ii.html

Chelsea said...

First of all... I do not waste school time.

Cough. Cough.


Yeah, that was the one. Turns out I was researching the wrong generation though... it was supposed to be King George III.
But hey, something interesting came of it, without a doubt!