Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.

That's me.

I took a personality test (on Facebook, of all places), that I took a few years ago from a book. My results changed, which is, I suppose, a legitimate event. I used to be an ENFP. So, really, I just went from being more extroverted to introverted. I can see that.

But the awesome thing is, this test, this INFP...

It's me. Seriously, if you want to get a glimpse inside my crazy head, Google INFP and read the description, because the entire description fits me like a snug sweater. Everything is so true. It's hilarious, how accurate it is.

But my favorite thing about it?

My personality type makes up about 1-4% of the population.

That's awesome.

1 comment:

M@ndy said...

You just like being one of the weird ones don't you!? Lol, I love you and your 1-4% of the population personality.