Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I've Come To Realize That,

As much as I like to say I'm spontaneous, and that I just let my writing take me where it will, I must admit that, when it comes to long-term writing, that is false.

I've come to realize that my writing is significantly better when I have a plan. And, let me tell you, after years and years assuming I'm above outlines and plans and rough drafts because I'm a better writer than that, and fighting them and saying that "I don't need them," because I just "let the the story happen," I'm having a hard time swallowing my words.

But, in the end, I know I'm going to plan what I write. I'm going to start a novel with a pretty good idea of where it will end up. Will I stick to my original plan without wavering? Probably not. But if I at least have an idea of where I'm going, I've realized that things tend to work out better.

So, I suppose that means I have to apologize to all of my teachers that I've ever said, "I don't do rough drafts" to. Because they were right, and I was wrong.

J.K. Rowling is worth more than the Queen of England.
(Somewhere between $500 - $600 million.)
Because she wrote a few books.

That makes her my hero.
As far as contemporary authors go, at any rate.

By $500 - $600 million, I meant £500 - £600 million.
Which is roughly a billion dollars here, I believe?


Anonymous said...

no way Mrs. Harry Potter is worth more than Elizabeth II. The Queen owns Canada, that has to be worth like a lot, right...


M@ndy said...
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M@ndy said...
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M@ndy said...

Only in your mind James.

I also have said that I "don't do rough drafts"...and they were right. Dangit.