Monday, June 02, 2008

This Is Why I Love My Parents:

Dad: So, I'm going to move this and put that there.

Mom: Okay, can you move the table there so Chelsea can put her ghetto blaster on it?

Me: My what?

Mom: Your ghetto blaster.

Dad: Gini, you're not being PC. It would be called a 'cultural blaster' now. Or maybe a crank box. But I think crank might be a drug, so that wouldn't be appropriate, either.

Me: What are you talking about?

Mom: Your radio.


M@ndy said...

Ha. I just love your family. That is so hilarious, I sat here laughing at my computer. :)

TSHAA said...

Now thats funny! I totally use the term ghetto blaster to be funny! Love it!