Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It Would Appear That,

Due to my lack of technological prowess, I somehow managed to delete my last long post that I think only Mandy actually had a chance to read. Now, since it was long and half the problem is essentially resolved, I'm just going to give you a short overview and apologize for my incompatability with technology.

Long story short, I was having these terrible nightmares that were leaving me drained and exhausted by the time I woke up. They were making it significantly more difficult to write. They began when I started writing my book. That was problem numero uno.

Problem deux. Everything in our house is breaking. Air conditioning, mircowave, dishwasher, kitchen faucet, bathroom fan, all of the garden hoses.

My mom thinks the fact that our house is falling apart is a spiritual attack because we're both writing, which is what we feel we've been called to do. I thought she might be right. That, in its own way, made me feel slightly better because it meant we were doing something right. Then I sort of, in my typical Indonesian ask-but-don't-ask way, asked you to pray for us because, well, our house is falling apart and I wasn't sleeping.

Now, last night I tried something I used to do as a little kid when I had bad dreams. I slept with my Bible next to me. It sounds silly for an eighteen year old to do but, lo and behold, I slept soundly last night and wrote half of my fourth chapter today. So, problem number one is fixed. Problem number two, however, is still raging. So, if you would pray that would be spectacular.


M@ndy said...

SO, I read your first two chapters...and OHMYGOSH! I want the next two, the next four and so on and so forth. I would like to hang with you so I can ask some questions and point out some things, but all in all, it is super fantastic! YAY YOU!

Chelsea said...

Woohoo! Haha you just made my day!

Anonymous said...

So when am I going to get a chance to take a look at it, hmmm?

Bri said...

Yay! Your mom started writing her book! That is exciting! Btw could you send me chapter 3 and 4 you said you were going to but...you may have forgotten or I didn't get them! Miss you!!