Sunday, December 18, 2005

Mission Statement

So last year in invert, we all came up with mission statements. It was really cool, helping everyone do theirs and listening to them help me with mine. I was happy with the end result.

My mission statement: My life will be centered on the needs of others.

I like it. I want it to be true...but what if I can't make it happen? People come to me with their problems, and I love that they trust me enough to do so, but all I can do is give them my opinion. I'm not a trained couselor, what if I say something wrong? What do I do when I really don't know what to say? My grandma almost went to the hospital this morning because she kept blacking out. How can I help there? I'm not a doctor. I don't know how to help people get better. There are people dying all over the world from hunger. What can I do to help that? Sure, I do the 30 Hour Famine, I do what I can, but I can only do so much. The needs of others are beyond my power.
I don't know why I started thinking about this now, but it's bugging me. I can't do all that I would like to, and I wonder...what if I can't live up to my mission statement?


Bri said...


Anonymous said...

chels some things are just beyond us and we have no control over them, so just do what is in your power to do. if you cant let go of that which is beyond you you will feel like you have failed, but if you do what is in your power and try to help with what you can, you will feel better then trying to solve every problem in the world. there is only one person who can do that.

James said...

Chassie -

Here's some of my thoughts on the "matter"

If you accopmlish your life mission statement - what's left? Do you die next?

If so, then you really don't want to accopmlish it do you?

It may help you to see your life mission statement as more of a process, or a description of how you want to live your life in an increasing way.

Your life mission statement can't ever be something you'll accomplish, because if you do, then you're dead.

Anonymous said...

""If you accopmlish your life mission statement - what's left? Do you die next?""

you could always come up w/ another..


(I'm joking)