Friday, December 02, 2005


So we're reading this book in English class called Night, by Elie Wiesle, and it's about the Holocaust. Two chapters in, and I'm already crying.

Oh, yeah...this will be one of those books where I'm sobbing by the end. I know it...

And not only do I have to read this book and feel this mixture of emotions that is so confusing it's almost unbearable, but after every chapter I have to write a one page summary of my reaction to it. My reaction...

How do I put that into words? I don't think it's possible. So many thoughts and feelings whizzing through my head faster than I can process, it's enough to make me want to scream. Oh no, what I write down is just barely making a dent in what I feel...


Anonymous said...


Write this down on one of your responces.

Bri said...

Omgosh i totally know how you feel i thought ahh! it's so hard to put into words and describe anything that you are feeling! he puts you right there with him and it's just so heart wrenching! No i understand why people go insane!