Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm Writing Again.

Not just blog writing, or journal writing...

I'm really writing. Novel writing. And after a dry spell of a couple years, it's fantastic to be back at it. I love the spontaneity of it. I don't know how it is for other people, but writing for me isn't just sitting down and forcing something out. It has to come to me. So, lately, I've been in the middle of class or driving down the road, and I have to stop everything I'm doing or pull over so I can find a pen and a piece of scratch paper or tissue or something to write on.

Sometimes it makes me feel crazy. It's like an obsession. The smallest little things - leaves being scattered by the wind, or a look in someone's eye - will trigger a string of words that fit together so perfectly that I have to write them that very moment, just so I don't lose them. And then people ask me what I'm doing, probably because I look a little off my rocker. Not that I really take notice of the fact that they're talking to me until I've scrawled out whatever was swirling around in my head...

I live for this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) same kind of thing happens for me, generally in terms of poetry or short articles/essays and occasional story ideas.