Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Oprah's National High School Essay Contest in case you didn't get this from the title, Oprah's having an essay contest and my English teacher is making us do it. She says that while she's in the hospital(she's the one with cancer) watching Oprah she wants to see one of us on tv. Ha! It won't be me! But it's sorta easy for my class because here's the topic: "Why is Elie Wiesel's book Night relevant today?" Well my class just recently read Night, if you recall, I even had a couple posts on my thoughts of the book. So now we're doing essays on it. I considered posting mine when I finish, just to see what you all think, but it will be long...really long. Probably too long for my we'll see. And I would be writing it now...only I'm having writer's block. Hahaha...

1 comment:

Bri said...

How can you have writer's block after three sentences?! lol sry couldn't help it. anyway I don't think that it will be too long for your blog because at most it can be 1000 words and i've seen prolly longer blog posts than that lol. :D